
Protecting and safeguarding children is of the utmost importance across our swimming club.

We are committed to ensuring that any child who attends an event or activity will be safeguarded from harm.

We adopt and abide by the Swim England comprehensive policy and procedures for child safeguarding, which are contained in the Wavepower manual.

What should parents/guardians expect?

As a parent or guardian you can be assured that:

your child is safeguarded during their time with us

all people with responsibility for your child will:

be suitably qualified and trained

have been safely recruited and that recruitment procedure includes a DBS check

any concerns about your child’s welfare will be listened to and responded to

You also have a right to access the Swim England Wavepower Child Safeguarding Policy Manual and to contact our welfare officer and/or the Swim England safeguarding team should you need to.

What should parents be aware of?

As a parent or guardian, we recommend you make yourselves familiar with:

Key information and contacts, such as:

website, social media site or notice board which would provide the latest news and updates for members

the welfare officer – who they are, how to contact them and any information on their role

the coaches, teachers and poolside team and who to contact to discuss your child’s training

information about the pool facilities, particularly around the changing rooms and any relevant rules that apply to the facility e.g. the use of mobile devices

The club’s procedures and status, such as:

rules, regulations, selection policies and codes of conduct

complaints process and disciplinary process and the relevant contacts

SwimMark status

We can alway make this information available to you if you have problems finding or accessing it.

How can I help support my child and the club?

Complete all consent, emergency contact and medical forms and update us immediately if anything changes

Sign and adhere to the Parents Code of Conduct

Ensure your child arrives at sessions on time and is collected promptly. If you are going to be late, let the club know

Ensure your child has the right kit for training or competition, as well as enough food and drink

How can I raise a question about my child’s training or progression?

The coaches, teachers and poolside team will do all they can to ensure that children enjoy all the activities the organisation offers and they progress in accordance with their ability.

However, if you or your child is unhappy with the training, development, squad selection decisions, squad progression or you simply have questions you would like to put to your child’s coach or teacher, then you should arrange to meet them at a mutually convenient time to discuss further.

Please do not interrupt any training sessions or competitions to speak to the coaches unless it is an emergency.

Following your meeting, if you are not happy with the response, the club will advise you of next steps, which could be referral to the Support Office or to the club committee.

How can I raise a non-child safeguarding concern?

Please contact a member of the organisation’s management team if you have a concern such as:

club constitution disputes

club governance disputes and voting rights

breaches of the Code of Ethics and Codes of Conduct

breakdowns in communication and disputes between members at the club

disciplinary matters

We follow the Swim England Judicial Regulations for internal club disputes, and can advise you of the steps that must be followed to resolve your complaint or concern.

Safeguarding & Welfare Officer